Sanger Sequencing, Sanger Sequencing & Fragment Analysis
Dye Terminator 5X Sequencing Buffer
The Dye Terminator 5X Sequencing Buffer reduces sequencing costs without affecting sequence accuracy or reads length. Its buffer system enables to use of less dye terminator mix.
Accessories and Reagents, Sanger Sequencing & Fragment Analysis
Exo-Resistant Random Hexamer
Protects from 3’=>5′ exonuclease degradation and ensures efficient priming of DNA synthesis.
Fragment Analysis, Sanger Sequencing & Fragment Analysis
Fragment Analysis Matrix
The 5 dye Fragment Analysis Matrix Standard generates proper spectral calibration for multicolor analysis. The matrix contains fragments labelled with five different dyes: Flourescein, HEX, Tamra, Rox, and Liz. This…
Sanger Sequencing, Sanger Sequencing & Fragment Analysis
Hairpin DNA & GC Rich Sequencing Premix for BigDye® 3.1
MCLAB’s Hairpin DNA Sequencing Premix for BigDyeTM (ABI) chemistry
Sanger Sequencing, Sanger Sequencing & Fragment Analysis
Matrix Standard Kit
Spectral calibration of DNA sequencing instrument is critical to maintaining high throughput sequencing operations. By evaluating multicolor systems of the sequencing instrument, sequencing providers can automatically correct the spectral overlap…
Sanger Sequencing, Sanger Sequencing & Fragment Analysis
NanoPOP™ 10X Running Buffer (with EDTA)
Optimized for use with MCLAB’s NanoPOP7 and ABI’s Genetic Analyzers including 3730/3730XL
Sanger Sequencing, Sanger Sequencing & Fragment Analysis
NanoPOP™ Polymers
Same performance as the original POP-polymers from ABI. DNA Sequencing and Fragment Analysis matrix for ABI Genetic Analyzer, 310, 3100/3100-advant, 3130/3130xl and 3730/3730xl.
Fragment Analysis, Sanger Sequencing & Fragment Analysis
Primers for Sequencing
100+ universal primers for sequencing. Free for customers using MCLAB’s sequencing services.
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Fragment Analysis, Sanger Sequencing & Fragment Analysis
Super-DI™ Formamide
The Super-DITM Formamide is the recommended sample loading buffer for all ABI sequencers.