MC Easy Format

        Specifications       |        ExpresSeq™       |        How to Order       |       Sample preparation       |       MCLAB Primers       |       Download Results

MC Easy Format™ DNA Sequencing Sample Submission Guidelines


You may choose any kind formats as shown on picture in the left and mark your samples and
primers accordingly before submission.


When you submit 48 or more samples, the best way to do is to using a 96-well PCR plate. Cap the
wells tight with 8-strip caps. To secure your samples from leakage during transportation. We suggest
wrapping the plate in parafilm to further secure the strip caps in position.


MC Easy Format™ Sample Preparation
Minimal Order 8 reactions.

Non-Premixed Samples:

Template Type DNA Concentration DNA Volume Primer Concentration Primer Volume
Plasmid 100 ng/µl 10 µl 3.2µM 10 µl
PCR(100-500bp) 2-5 ng/µl 10 µl 3.2µM 10 µl
PCR(500bp-1kb) 5-10 ng/µl 20 µl 3.2µM 10 µl
PCR(>1kb) 10-20 ng/µl 20 µl 3.2µM 10 µl