Next-Generation Sequencing, NGS Reagent Module Kit
2X MCAmp Library Amplification Master Mix
The 2X MCAmp library amplification master mix has been specially formulated to provide accurate and robust amplification of NGS (next-generation sequencing) library fragments.
Next-Generation Sequencing, NGS Reagent Module Kit
5´ DNA Adenylation Kit
5´ DNA Adenylation Kit is for the enzymatic synthesis of 5’ adenylated ssDNA linkers.
Next-Generation Sequencing, NGS Reagent Module Kit
Blunting Express Kit
The Blunting Express Kit can be used to generate blunt-ended DNA fragments for subsequent use in ligation, cloning, cDNA construction, and MCLAB’s Topomize Amplicon Library Prep Kit (Cat# TopoA-50A or…
Next-Generation Sequencing, NGS Reagent Module Kit
DNA dA-Tailing Kit
The MCLAB DNA dA-Tailing Kit is used to add an “A” base to the 3´ end of a blunt phosphorylated DNA fragment. This treatment creates compatible overhangs for the next…
Next-Generation Sequencing, NGS Reagent Module Kit
DNA Ligation Kit
The MCLAB’s DNA Ligation Kit is used to ligate DNA adapters to dA-tailed DNA fragments. The kit has been optimized to the maximum efficiency and convenience in DNA sample preparation…
Next-Generation Sequencing, NGS Reagent Module Kit
Fragmented DNA End-Repair Kit
The MCLAB’s Fragmented DNA End Repair Kit is used for repairing fragmented DNA by sonication, nebulization or nucleases.
Next-Generation Sequencing, NGS Reagent Module Kit, Nucleic Acid Purification, PCR Clean Up
MCMag PCR Purification Kit
The MCMag PCR purification system utilizes solid-phase reversible immobilization (SPRI) paramagnetic bead technology for PCR amplicon purification.
Next-Generation Sequencing, Next-Generation Sequencing Size Selection, NGS Reagent Module Kit, Nucleic Acid Purification
MCMag™ NGS Library Clean Up & Size Selection Kit
MCMag™ Library Purification kit is a highly efficient purification system with size selection for NGS library after PCR enrichment.
Next-Generation Sequencing, NGS Reagent Module Kit
MCMax Cell-Free DNA Extraction Kit
MCMax Cell-Free DNA Extraction Kit is designed to purify cell-free DNA (cfDNA) from 0.2–10 ml plasma samples. The kit contains everything necessary for purification, with no preprocessing required. The purified…